Lauren and Avonlea serving the drinks. Their beauty shines, even through my cheap camera and poor photography skills. And they were extra super cool.
A cool car to look at while they set up the stage
Caleb Chancey of War Jacket
Tech guys making it happen! And fussing at me for getting in the way.
Rickey White, putting it all together.
and telethoning.
My man Leroy Stephens, the Smokin' Dude, taking a well deserved break form the activities, and discussing with me how close the tornadoes came to each of us. That's a regular topic of conversation, our proximity to the tornadoes.
Several members of Results of Adults, and progeny. Tym, baby Birch, Merry, and Robyn. Result of adults was about to go on stage.
Jamie Higdon drove down from Nashville to sing for us.
Conley Knott singing.
Matt and Lauren
A fun time was had by all, raising money for a good cause.
Yes, I need a better camera!